Wednesday 13 January 2010

Director of Digital Curation Centre: still time to apply

I’m particularly keen that there be a good slate of candidates for this post, for which applications close on Friday 15 January, 2010. The details can be found at (sorry about the dodgy URL; I hope it works)

The further details say

"The mission of the Digital Curation Centre is to help build capacity, capability and skills for data curation across the UK higher education research community, while supporting and promoting emerging data curation practice. It also has a key role in supporting JISC, especially its new research data management programme. Overall, the DCC is an agent for change, committed to the diffusion of best practice in the curation of digital research data across the Higher Education sector, and providing an authoritative source of advocacy, resources and guidance to the UK research community. This mission is informed by five priorities:

to identify, gather, record and disseminate curation best practice, providing access to resources, tools, training and information that will equip data practitioners to make informed decisions regarding the management of their data assets;

to facilitate knowledge exchange between those currently and newly engaged in the generation and management of digital research data;

to build and support a community of informed practitioners that has the capacity to sustain itself, with the capability to manage and curate its data appropriately;

to identify crucial and important innovations in data curation, and seek additional resources to provide them;

to support JISC, especially in its repository, preservation and data management programmes.

To achieve this, the Director must be a persuasive advocate for better curation and management of research data, on a national or international scale. Able to listen and engage with researchers and with research management, publishers and research funders, the Director will build a strong, shared vision of the changes needed, and the ability (working with others in the DCC and beyond) to mobilise the community towards that end."

So if this fits you, or you know someone that it fits, please persuade that person to apply!

By the way, although the DCC may not escape further budget cuts, like all public services in the UK, I have been told that we are funded from core JISC funding rather than capital funding, and as such Phase 3 will not be curtailed as the proposed JISC Managing Research Data programme has been.

[NOTE: This vacancy has now CLOSED; no further applications will be accepted!]


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