Monday, 5 October 2009

iPres 2009: Pawletko on TIPR’s progress towards interoperability

Motivation is to distribute data not just geographically but also across different technologies. Also preserving through software changes; forward migrate to later versions, or replacements. Also to have a succession plan for the case where the repository fails.

TIPR is defining a common exchange format. Involves FCLA using DAITSS, Cornell using ADORE but migrating to FEDORA, NYU using DSpace. FCLA have one AIP per intellectual entity, and they retain the first and the latest representation. Cornell hold one AIP for each representation. NYU also has one AIP (didn’t catch how it works).

Format is called the Repository Exchange Package (RXP) based on METS and PREMIS. Need to work with multiple sources, but contain sufficient data for the receiving repository to do what it needs. Minimal structure is 4 files in a directory. A METS document about the source repository, plus provenance and optional rights, plus the actual representations in the package. The second file contains information about provenance. Then two more PREMIS files (?); finally a files manifest (cf BAGIT). [I’m not sure I’m capturing this well, best look at the PPTs later. But why are the slides blue and yellow mixed up???]

Transfer tests: a broadcast transfer, and a ring transfer. In the latter case, each RXP is ingested, then disseminated and sent on to the next, until it gets back to the first. They have built a lot of stuff, and implemented the broadcast transfer test. Next steps: the ring test, and try different (wacky!) RXPs.

Question: why use METS/PREMIS but not RDF & ORE? Familiarity!

Question: will this work with Bagit? Yes; they use Bagit right now…


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