Tuesday, 6 October 2009

iPres 2009: Tarrant, the P2 Registry, Where the Semantic Web and Web 2.0 meet format risk management

P2-registry is a demo of what we can do if we publish in a web 2 fashion. The mainstream here is the web, for the community

Linked data: every slide has links to where the stuff comes from. See the graph on linked data, let’s get in that graph. Using linked data reduces redundancy, facilitates re-use and maximises discovery. The community is not just consumers, also publishers. Because of links to namespaces, this contributes to building trust.

The main node is DBpedia, which is in fact Wikipedia marked up as RDF. Lots of people reference it and link to it. Give URIs to things: Tarrant has a URI; his home page is not him; has a URL that’s not the same (but relates).

4 rules of linked data: use URIs as the names of things; use HTTP URIs so they can be looked up; when someone looks them up, provide useful information, include links to other useful things.

Here, data are facts, facts are represented as triples, in RDF. OWL & RDFS provide means to represent your RDF model. It’s machine readable and validatable. Importing data from multiple domains, you can use OWL to say a thing in one domain is the same as another thing in different domain.. Used PRONOM and Wikipedia to build a small ontology that describes what can be done by different software. The underlying registry is a triple store, it understands RDF, so 19 possible answers are turned into 70 with some data alignment. Then used these data to perform a basic risk analysis on PDF.

Take home message: data hidden in registries is not easily discoverable so is little used, so publish it on the web and it can be much more widely used.

Trust seems an issue in so many name spaces, but hopefully it all works out….

1 comment:

  1. Trust is also the same when it comes to current registries and all other things on the web. You trust the registry which is published by a "trusted" author. Thus the same applies to web sites, RDF docs should have a dc:author (which is a URI obviously).


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