Wednesday 18 July 2007

European e-Science Digital Repository Consultation

Philip Lord wrote to tell me that he and and Alison Macdonald are conducting a study for the European Commission “Towards a European e-Infrastructure for e-Science Digital Repositories”, (e-SciDR) – see This is a short study to summarize the situation regarding repositories in Europe and to propose policies for the Commission for repository development in Europe. As part of the study process the Commission is hosting a public consultation through a questionnaire... The letter inviting participation follows:
"Dear Sir, Dear Madam,

May I invite you, as key stakeholders, to contribute to the development of a knowledge society and digital infrastructure in Europe, by taking part in the Commission’s online public consultation on e-Science Digital Repositories which is available at"
[NB Safari on the Mac appears not to work with this questionnaire, but Firefox does.]

"This consultation forms a key part of the e-SciDR study funded by the Commission into repositories holding digital data and publications for use in the sciences (in the widest sense encompassing disciplines from the humanities and social sciences to the life sciences).

Your answers will help identify needs, priorities and opportunities which the European Union, through the Commission, can help address and drive forward in the FP7 Capacity Programme and will provide an important input to developing future policy initiatives.

I would be grateful if you could respond to the consultation by no later than 30 July 2007.

All answers will be strictly confidential and anonymised.

If you would like to receive a summary of the consultation results, please tick the corresponding box on the questionnaire.

Best regards,

Mário Campolargo

Head of Unit GÉANT & e-Infrastructure"


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