Monday 30 June 2008

Repository Fringe

Robin Rice passed on this announcement about Edinburgh's newest festival, the Repository Fringe. She writes: "the event is being jointly planned by Edinburgh and Southampton to coincide with the 'preview week' before the opening of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. In the spirit of the Fringe, it's a kind of an 'unconference' and we're encouraging people to sign up to participate in various ways on the wiki, e.g. by leading a 'performance' of some sort - a soapbox, a group improv, an Audience With, or as part of the Poster Bazaar." She also tells me that Dorothea Salo from Caveat Lector is giving the keynote. Here is the original email...
"Enjoy fresh debate and face-to-face discussion at Edinburgh's newest and entirely unofficial festival - the Repository Fringe! We would like to invite all repository researchers, managers, administrators & developers to come to Edinburgh for a 2-day workshop on 31st July - 1st August.

The event is free to attend - you just need to register and find your own way up to Edinburgh.

The event will be an informal opportunity to:
  • discuss new and emerging repository issues
  • generate new ideas and perspectives
  • show off some new project results
  • meet up with like-minded repository managers, administrators, librarians and developers
Research data, social networking, bibliographic services or desktop integration? Whatever your interest and problems, come and give a presentation, kickstart some activity or work on a demonstration.

Put this event in your diary and sign-up online to book your place. Visit the wiki to see the latest programme or register your interest.

Online Registration -
Accomodation booking -
Wiki -

Hope to see you in Edinburgh!

Theo Andrew
Digital Library Section
Library & Collections
The University of Edinburgh"


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