I am William Michener from University of New Mexico and I am a professor with the University Libraries System
What will you be talking about in your presentation tomorrow?
I am introducing DataONE which stands for Data Observation Network for Earth, which is a virtual data centre for the Biological, Ecological and Environmental Sciences. It is unique in that it will be highly distributed with world wide presence and it will support the curation and preservation of data from Universities, individual scientists, research networks and other organisations. In addition, it will host an investigators' tool kit that will provide data exploration, data management and analytical and visualisation tools. This will be for scientists, students and citizens.
What's next for DataONE?
This is a long term project to set up, essentially, a virtual data centre that will last decades to centuries so we hope to build new partnerships and expand upon existing partnerships with a large number of European organisations
What are you looking for in Phase 3 from the DCC?
We hope that we could explore collaborations with respect to developing educational materials as well as providing digital curation and other tools for scientists and students.
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